Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Being intentional.

We went yesterday to check out the daycare where Mason will be while I'm at work.  It is a great facility and highly recommended.  Everyone was extremely friendly and they knew the children.  The lady watching the infants is experienced.  But...the bottom line is that she is not me. 

Even though I still have a couple of weeks before I head back to work, I wanted to cry yesterday at the thought of leaving him.  Morning time is our time.  It's a time when we have our best talks.  When he loves to play on his mat. It hurts me to think about losing these times. 

I know I'm not the only mom out there that goes through this.  It's hard no doubt and I sent a text to one of my best friends here who has been in my shoes already.  She pointed out that taking him to daycare while I work will make the time that we spend together that much more special.  I appreciated her response and it made me think about how our time is spent.  I know I want to be more intentional with my time.  It goes by too quickly otherwise (I've especially noticed this with having a child).  With limited time with Mason, I want the time that I do have to really mean something.  I want us to build upon those special moments.  This should be the case not only with Mason, but with Hubby.  With both of us working, our time together is in the evenings and weekend.  We need to put down our cell phones, limit the television time.  I know I'm really guilty of this.  That way we can solely focus on each other.  We can build and strengthen our family, on what's really important.


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