Monday, July 16, 2012


Moving out onto a farm has allowed us more space for a garden...a 20' by 50' garden to be exact which is definitely a change from our two raised beds from last year.  Hubby has been busy with the planning, upkeeping and harvesting.  Despite the drought status which our area has been gifted with, our garden has florished.  I cannot get over the amount of squash, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, zucchini, etc. that continues to grow.  With this abundance of produce comes the feeling of what to do with it all.  We've been donating, sharing with friends and trying to freeze some for our own use.  I have to tell you though, I'm more of a city girl in these matters because I really would like to can some and find other ways to preserve these vegetables, but I do not have the faintest idea of what to do or where to start.  It's overwhelming when your counters are covered with produce and each day Hubby comes in carrying a bucket (or two) of more.  There is just so much going on right now between being really pregnant, trying to prepare things for the baby, moving into this new house (keep in mind we have boxes everywhere) and trying to find the time and energy to organize all of our stuff that the idea of trying to can and preserve just isn't on my list.

Hopefully next year though...

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