"Trust Me". Those are the words that were spoken to me early on in this pregnancy during a time when I so desperately needed to hear that. I've struggled with my emotions this time around, maybe more so than before. Knowledge can do that to a person, even if it's not direct knowledge. The worries and what ifs can swirl constantly. I was blessed with one great pregnancy, so how would this one go?
Lisa Jo Baker says it best in her book, Surprised by Motherhood:
"Every second time mom knows the intimate joy of holding in her arms a being whose life is so new, so delicate that his skin is still translucent with heaven...she knows. But she also remembers. She remembers the hard work growing, carrying and delivery that child into the world. She bears scars. And she needs to gird her courage around her to do it again. Death and life. Ask any pregnant mother and you will find her thoughts equally consumed by both. Birth is hard and risky work. It is intimate and exposed at the same time."
Now here we are, I've carried this little one close to my heart, sustaining her for 38.5 weeks. Feeling her strong kicks and shoves, watching my body continue to grow (and grow). We've almost reached the end of this part of our journey and will soon welcome her into this crazy and beautiful world. By working on my trust and letting go throughout this pregnancy, I can appreciate once again the wonder and beauty of growing this little person. I can't wait to hold you Miss Hadley!